Squeezing Saturn ~ 15 Nov 2023

Now that Sedna stepped back into Taurus and the personal planet parade of the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Ceres cited in the last post work their way out of Scorpio into Sagittarius, there’s a new transit pattern to ponder and employ.

Sedna and her oppositions to these bodies urge that each person consciously choose paths and events that serve real world satisfaction, domestic safety and soulful choices, Saturn asks from Pisces, “Does that mean responsible actions based upon clear choices?” He smiles, then winks at each of the personal planets and the Sun, knowing exactly the potency of his subtext.

Saturn’s subtext stands as supremely evocative. Though his glance at the Sagittarian travelers is askance and presumably tense, he prompts for deep and thoughtful inspiration. He gently prods, “Can you dream it? Can you believe it’s possible to morph your concept into reality? Do you possess the galactic guidance to keep yourself on a sharply navigable course? Does this add the cherry to your pile of nirvana-esque wishes? Do you possess the will to get up and going and position yourself in life such that doing becomes the only evident thing to do?”

First up, on 22 November, the Sun in the first degree of Sagittarius squares Saturn. Clearly, this aspect promotes identification of challenges ahead and concludes the self is up to all the required tasks. Recognition of obstacles becomes the first step toward rectification and resolution of those circumstances. Supported by the belief that accomplishment and success result from clear and focused action, ones resulting positivism paves the way forward. Feeling the will to advance toward nearly impossible objectives (according to all nay sayers surrounding the adventurer) allows furled sails to drop and fill with favorable breezes.

Two days later, Mars moves into the square to Saturn in Pisces. So closely behind the Sun’s quadrature to Saturn, one could potentially come off as overly bold, boastful and bombastic. The antidote for softening resistance to strongly stated agendas results from a clear dispensing of why you intend to set off on this journey. Definition of the end game and speaking of perceived outcomes a Mars cycle ahead (roughly two years factored around his next retrograde in Leo/Cancer) clarifies the how and why of the pursuit. At this point, those blocking the path step aside and other observers fall into the ranks of the objectives.

The next day, Ceres in Sagittarius squares Saturn. Here, it is important to certify that one stands on the high road and that all pursuits are not only ethical, but rich in advocacy for the downtrodden and those in need. If the outcome of the current aspirations can be defined as helpful and promising manifestations for the masses, support becomes even greater.

Another aspect enlivens the Ceres-Saturn square that day. Venus in Libra quincunxes Uranus in Taurus. Quite simply, the merit and worth (heavy on the worth) of any objective melts opposition and warms up heaps of support and excited enthusiasm. This warming encourages others to join with clearly stated objectives of merit, not as a get-rich-quick scheme, but as an opportunity to participate in something intangibly worthwhile.

This next little sequence concludes as Mercury in late Sagittarius, about to align with the Galactic Center, trisects the sky in a most nifty trine to the continuing Eris-north lunar node conjunction in Aries. The end result of applying ones knowledge and vision in pursuit of nearly ethereal dreams and visions is a full sense of inclusion in the troughs of ones life.

Despite the collective unrest, and because of it, well-defined utilization of the Sagittarian aspects that loom on the horizon, diminish personal chaos, the need for emotional drama and unify clear thought and consciousness to engage in progress... and yes, in spite of the world.

No need to be shy. It’s okay to squeeze Saturn back when feeling his bristling brusqueness demanding you accomplish this and that and most certainly on a specific time line. There’s quite the sensitive underbelly supporting his underpinnings. Once he accepts your agreement to get on with the getting, Saturn becomes a clear and most solid ally. With Saturn in Pisces, not only is it okay to dream big, such envisioning is encouraged. So too, support for the action required to conjure fantastical results strengthens.

A final thought. What happened before happened before. Per Sagittarian planets wisdom gleaned is now applied. This time, the best efforts to secure the ultimate of your imagination produces clearly different results.

More soon.